NUnit Executor

This executor allows running tests written with NUnit framework. It uses .Net Core 8.0 with NUnit 4.1.0.

Follow execution params are possible for NUnit Executor: concurrency, iterations, hold-for and ramp-up.


- executor: nunit
  concurrency: 2
  iterations: 5
    script: bin/Release/TestAssembly.dll  # assembly with tests

Taurus will run NUnit through a custom runner that will extract all tests from DLL assembly and pass them to NUnit to run them.

Note that Taurus won't try to build your test suite solution. You should build it yourself, either with VisualStudio/Rider or with command line tools. You can find the example of test suite project with building instructions in Taurus's repo at Github.

Note: when running tests, you should have dotnet installed on your machine.