Pytest Executor

pytest executor allows running pytest-based test suites with Taurus.

Taurus will execute tests in a loop until desired number of iterations will complete or hold-for time will be exceeded. The default number of iterations is 1.


- executor: pytest
  iterations: 3  # perform 3 iterations over the entire test suite
    script: tests/

Concurrency mode (based on xdist)

This is available only in unstable snapshot.

In this mode Pytest splits tests between several CPUs to speed up test execution unlike other executors that increase load performance by multiplying single load with concurrency number.

To distribute tests set concurrency either to positive integer or to 'auto' value. ("as many processes as your computer has CPU cores")

Tests are grouped by module for test functions and by class for test methods. Groups are distributed to available workers as whole units.


- executor: pytest
  concurrency: 2  # all tests will be split into 2 processes
    script: tests/

Possible script values for this executor are:

  • single Python module (single .py file)
  • Python package (folder with Python modules and packages)

Additional Command-Line Options for Pytest

As pytest is regularly configured with command line options, Taurus allows you to pass additional options to Pytest with additional-args scenario-level option.


- executor: pytest
  scenario: pytest-run

    additional-args: --maxfail=1 --runslow
    script: tests/

Configuration Options

The interpreter option allows providing custom interpreter for your tests. Also, you can specify PyTest version via version keyword:

    interpreter: /usr/local/bin/python  # path to custom Python interpreter
    version: 6.2.1
    dry-install: false  # turn it on to avoid auto installation