YAML Tutorial

This document is intended to be a short YAML tutorial, sufficient to get you started with YAML language.

YAML is an indentation-based markup language which aims to be both easy to read and easy to write. Many projects use it because of its readability, simplicity and good support for many programming languages.

Here’s an example of YAML document (which is actually a Taurus config):

- concurrency: 10
  hold-for: 5m
  ramp-up: 2m
  scenario: yaml_example
    retrieve-resources: false
      - http://example.com/

- module: final-stats
- module: console

  check-interval: 5s
  default-executor: jmeter

provisioning: local

As you can see, YAML uses indentation to represent document structure (as opposed to JSON, which uses brackets and braces). Other than that, JSON and YAML are very similar. Here's the same YAML document converted to JSON:

    "execution": [
            "concurrency": 10,
            "hold-for": "5m",
            "ramp-up": "2m",
            "scenario": "json_example" 
    "scenarios": {
        "json_example": {
            "retrieve-resources": false,
                "requests": [
    "reporting": [
            "module": "final-stats"
            "module": "console"
    "settings": {
        "check-interval": "5s",
        "default-executor": "jmeter"
    "provisioning": "local"

YAML Syntax

YAML document consists of the following elements.


Scalars are ordinary values: numbers, strings, booleans.

number-value: 42
floating-point-value: 3.141592
boolean-value: true
# strings can be both 'single-quoted` and "double-quoted"
string-value: 'Bonjour'

YAML syntax also allows unquoted string values for convenience reasons:

unquoted-string: Hello World

Lists and Dictionaries

Lists are collections of elements:

  - Yoda
  - Qui-Gon Jinn
  - Obi-Wan Kenobi
  - Luke Skywalker

Every element of the list is indented and starts with a dash and a space.

Dictionaries are collections of key: value mappings. All keys are case-sensitive.

  name: Obi-Wan Kenobi
  home-planet: Stewjon
  species: human
  master: Qui-Gon Jinn
  height: 1.82m

Note that a space after the colon is mandatory.

Dictionaries can be nested in lists (and vice versa) to create more complex structures:

  # first item of `requests` list is just a string
  - http://example.com/
  # second item of `requests` list is a dictionary
  - url: http://example.com/
    method: GET

You can also use inline syntax for lists and dictionaries, if you want:

episodes: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
best-jedi: {name: Obi-Wan, side: light} 

YAML Multi Documents

YAML format allows multiple documents to be embedded in a single file. They only have to be separated with a line containing triple-dash separator ---.

document: this is document 1
document: this is document 2

When reading multi-document YAML, Taurus will treat multiple documents as multiple configs and will load them one by one.

YAML Debugging tips

There's a number of tools you can use to help you to locate and fix syntactical errors in your YAML document.

  1. You can use online services to convert it to JSON to check the structure (can be useful if you don’t have much experience with indentation-based languages)
  2. You can use yamllint to see if there are any errors or issues with your document

YAML Gotchas

Due to the format aiming to be easy to write and read, there are some ambiguities in YAML.

Special characters in unquoted strings

YAML has a number of special characters you cannot use in unquoted strings: ` [] {} : > | `. You should quote all strings that contain any of the following characters the following way:

special-characters: "[all] {quoted} :like> this|"

Tabs versus spaces for indentation

Do not use tabs for indentation. While resulting YAML can still be valid, this can be a source of many subtle parsing errors. Just use spaces.

Additional YAML resources

  1. Online YAML Parser can be used to analyze YAML documents
  2. Jesse Noller's article is a good introduction to YAML syntax
  3. Wikipedia has a really good and comprehensive description of all major YAML features
  4. Short, but very concise YAML Tutorial by SaltProject
  5. yamllint is a linter for YAML files, which checks for many common mistakes and cosmetic issues
  6. YAML Lint is another online YAML checker